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Installation Training for Sales People

Great installation begins at the front door of your store, not the back!


When your staff attends this one day class, every member of your business benefits!


Store owners and managers:


  • Fewer costly mistakes
  • Fewer dissappointed customers
  • Greater profit opportunities

    Sales professionals:


  • Greater self-confidence
  • Greater close rates
  • Greater accuracy resulting in fewer lost commissions and increased customer referrals
  • Better relationships with the installation department



  • Fewer misunderstandings and delays with the customer
  • Fewer call backs and return trips
  • Better relationships with the sales department

    And best of all, the real winners will be your customers.


    Better training means that their purchases will be performed with a greater degree of professionalism and with fewer disappointments.


    This training will be conducted by Tom Jennings. Tom is a lifelong member of the flooring business. Since selling his family’s retail business in 2006, he has served the industry as an educator and speaker. He is a past-board chairman of the WFCA and is currently the board chairman of WFCA Services, Inc. and WFCA Vice President of Professional Development.